Dirty Deeds: The AC/DC Experience
Hailing from New England area, Dirty Deeds The AC/DC Experience brings forth their high energy and wildly entertaining tribute to one of the world’s best rock bands, AC/DC. Taking the crowd on an unpredictable thrill ride throughout their entire concert, Dirty Deeds revisits all of the timeless AC/DC hits along with bringing you back to the early music that was the roots of AC/DC’s rise to stardom. Developing a reputation for their attention to detail, Dirty Deeds not only captures the on stage antics and appearance of AC/DC, but also make use of interactive video, lighting, and fully functional props to recapture the theatrics that makes an AC/DC concert an experience to never be forgotten. A true audio and visual experience, Dirty Deeds invites you to take part in a few hours of pure Rock n’ Roll escapism as they take the stage and pay tribute to one of the greatest groups of our time, AC/DC!