Queens Featuring Jordan Quinn
“Queens” is an electrifying and glamorous musical extravaganza set to hit the stage on October 13th. This special show is a heartfelt tribute to the most beloved female music artists of all time. From timeless icons like Madonna and Whitney Houston to contemporary powerhouses like Shania Twain and Adele, “Queens” celebrates the incredible contributions of women in music.
But there’s a twist – it’s also a Halloween special! Audience members are encouraged to step into the spotlight by coming dressed up as their favorite female music artists. Whether you want to channel the sultry style of Cher or the bold charisma of Lady Gaga, “Queens” invites you to embrace your inner diva and shine like the star you admire.
Prepare for a night filled with dazzling performances, stunning costumes, and a celebration of the indomitable spirit of female artists who have left an indelible mark on the world of music. “Queens” promises an unforgettable evening of music, fashion, and empowerment, where every attendee becomes a part of the show. So, grab your wigs, sequins, and high heels, and join us on October 13th for a night of musical magic and Halloween fun!