Stan Zimmerman’s Right Before I Go
October 3 @ 7:00 PM
This suicide awareness play reunites ‘Gilmore’ cast members. The production will be under the direction of Devon M. Schwartz, aka Devon Michaels (“Bill” on Gilmore Girls) who brings nearly three decades of theater experience from across the country to this project. To date, cast members include playwright & narrator, Stan Zimmerman (whose writing credits include The Golden Girls, Gilmore Girls & Roseanne); Shelly Cole (“Madeline Lynn” on Gilmore Girls), Nick Holmes (“Robert” on Gilmore Girls) and Emily Kuroda (“Miss Kim” on Gilmore Girls).
Stan Zimmerman’s suicide awareness play, Right Before I Go, highlights the raw struggles of people in all walks of life that have died by suicide. The play brings to life the last words written in letters by individuals lost to suicide — including celebrities, veterans, kids that were bullied, LGBTQ, and the clinically depressed — and those who have survived suicide attempts.